Tech Support FAQ

Our technical support department (201-641-1200) receives many questions, both from pilots and from shops, ranging from the simple to the abstruse. While many of these questions require research or highly technical answers, a few questions are asked repeatedly and have fairly simple answers.  Here are some of them.  Before calling tech support, please check this document!


How do I get into SETUP mode?

In order to select GPS units or make other adjustments in the technical operation of the Argus, you must enter SETUP mode.  This can be done in one of several ways, depending upon the Argus software version.  (You can determine your software version and other important information by turning the unit ON and waiting for the first data screen.)  To prevent accidentally selecting the SETUP mode, two steps are required:  you must first ENABLE the mode, then you can ENTER the mode.

Enabling the SETUP mode

Software version 1 and 2:  Insert the "shorting plug" and apply power.  If you don't have the "shorting plug," see below.
Software version 3, 4, and 5:    Turn power OFF.  While holding the ENR and AUX buttons, turn power ON.  Continue holding these two buttons until the screen test is underway.  Then release them.

Entering the SETUP mode

Software version 1, 2, and 3:  Press and HOLD the AUX button for 10 seconds.  After 5 seconds, the Argus will go into the AMEND mode.  CONTINUE HOLDING the button for another 5 seconds and the unit will go into SETUP.  (If you release the button during the 10-second period, you will have to start over.)
Software version 4 and 5:  Quickly press the AUX button 3 times.  A menu will appear.  Press the softkey corresponding to SETUP.

Important! Exiting the SETUP mode

For the changed settings to "take," you must EXIT the SETUP mode.  Regardless of software version, you can do so by pressing and holding AUX for at least one second.  If you change settings and then shut off power to the Argus without exiting, the new settings will be lost.

What does an ERROR CODE 5 mean?  I just turned on my Argus and instead of a map, I get this message.

The "Clock Failed Error Code 5" message means that the internal lithium battery in the Argus has died.  This battery has a normal lifetime of 3-4 years.  If you have an Argus unit with software version 1, 2, or 3, this is a "fatal error" in the sense that the Argus cannot operate until the battery is replaced.  If you have software version 4 or 5, the Argus will operate without the battery, although clock functions will be lost.  (Note this message doesn't apply to the Argus 3000 models, which have no internal clock.  Color Argus units (software version 5 or greater) use different timekeeping hardware whose normal life should exceed 10 years.)

If you have an Argus 5000 or 7000 with software version 3 or below, you MUST replace the battery.

How do I replace the Argus battery?

For the Argus 5000/7000 monochrome models

The battery is NOT a standard coin cell and must be wired into the Argus.  Battery replacement is authorized by the Argus maintenance manual, which means it can be done by your avionics shop or, of course, by Eventide.  Depending upon your location and time schedule, either procedure might be appropriate for you.  The factory price of the battery is $60.  We normally charge one-hour labor (which includes a final QC run) plus return shipping.  It is unusual but not impossible that other problems or out-of-tolerance conditions may be found that will require additional time at the factory.  We are REQUIRED to do this final QC step and checkout by FAA regulations.  We can also do software upgrades and database updates while the unit is in the shop if you so desire.

If you would prefer to have your shop exchange the battery, have them order the battery from us.  Labor charges in this case are between you and your avionics shop.  Your shop can also obtain an updated database for you.

For the Argus 5000CE/7000CE color models

The "battery" is a special module that also incorporates memory circuitry.  The factory price of the battery is $60.  We normally charge one-hour labor (which includes a final QC run) plus return shipping.  It is unusual but not impossible that other problems or out-of-tolerance conditions may be found that will require additional time at the factory.  We are REQUIRED to do this final QC step and checkout by FAA regulations.  We can also do software upgrades and database updates while the unit is in the shop if you so desire.

This battery module is specified to have a ten-year minimum lifetime.  Only factory replacement is authorized at this time, although we are working on an approvable procedure to permit field replacement. 


How do I obtain a "Shorting Plug?"

A shorting plug, necessary to access the SETUP mode in older Argus software versions, was shipped with each Argus that required one.  They are small and tend to go missing.  While you can order one from us, this is a common part and is not used in the Argus during flight.  Therefore, a local replacement can be obtained and used legally.  The plug is a common stereo "miniplug" such as those used on "Walkman" earphones and other consumer products.  You must electrically connect the "tip" and the "ring" together without shorting either to the "sleeve."  (If you look at the plug, this terminology will make perfect sense.)

Note:  Using a mono plug or one where the tip and ring are not properly connected will normally give a Status Code 11 Error message.  You might also get this message if the plug or socket contacts are dirty.  Usually removing and reinserting the plug a few times will remedy the problem.

I can't find the correct SETUP entry for my GPS or other long range navigation unit.

When Eventide releases new software, it has a SETUP entry for most popular GPS receivers.  Obviously, however, there will be no specific setting for GPS receivers released after the software, and there may be no listing for uncommon receivers, e.g., variants with special suffix letters, or others of which we're not aware.  In some cases, it may be possible to work around this problem without getting a software upgrade from Eventide; in other cases it won't be.  Here are some things you can try:

Sometimes a workaround is a valid long-term solution.  Frequently manufacturers make no changes whatever in their data output when they release a new model.  However, we strongly recommend checking with the manufacturer of the GPS if you don't have the correct, explicit setting in the Argus.
My Argus just came back from repair and no longer talks to my GPS (or HSI or ADF).

For the Argus to work correctly, all the SETUP entries have to be correct.  Argus 5000 and 7000 units with software versions 1, 2, and 3 critically depend upon the internal battery for storage of these entries.  If the battery was replaced or power was interrupted for whatever reason during the repair process, these settings will have been lost.  Although it requires only a couple of minutes to restore the settings, unless we have a record of them, we don't know to what they should be restored.  Your avionics shop will usually have this information at hand, or can recreate it with little trouble.  If you happen to be reading this while everything is working correctly, it couldn't hurt to make a record of these settings and keep it with your aircraft records.  (We recommend this in our later instruction manuals as well.)

My Argus just came back from repair and now it always shows ADF when I turn it on.

This is desired (and required by the FAA) behavior when the Argus is the only ADF display.  If it is a secondary display (you have another ADF display in view of the pilot) then this feature can be disabled so that the Argus will retain the ADF setting it had when turned off.  Go into SETUP mode, scroll to the ADAPTER SELECT page, and select the second item (ADF USAGE) to SECONDARY.

Is my <you name it> ADF or HSI compatible with the Argus 5000/7000?

The Argus installation manual lists the ADF units and heading sources that we know are compatible with the Argus, and also lists some we know to be incompatible.  If your unit is not on the list, it MAY be that it is compatible but that we know nothing about it.  The Argus can accept inputs from ADF units with the following technical characteristics:  AC Sin/Cos, DC Sin/Cos, DC+Sin/-Cos, AC Synchro.  The Argus can accept inputs from heading sources using ARINC 407 synchro.  This usually means that the heading indicator will have a "bootstrap" synchro attached to it.  For heading and AC-type ADF units, an "excitation" signal of 24Volts at 400 Hz is also required.

These are common requirements and are commonly available, but it is usually a matter for your shop to determine what is available in your aircraft.  Sometimes information can be determined from the equipment listing in the POH.  Most common, modern systems are or can be made compatible with the Argus.  The King KCS-55 system and KR-87 ADF, as well as the Collins 650 and 650A, to name some of the most popular, are in this category.

The Argus is connected to a heading source. Why do I only get TRACK instead of HDG on the map?

There are two reasons why you might be showing TRACK instead of HEADING.  One is that TRACK has been deliberately (or accidentally) selected under ORIENTATION in the AMEND mode.  Go to the second AMEND page and select HEADING.  The other possibility is that the heading received by the Argus is "flagged," i.e., indicated as invalid.  There is an input pin that receives this signal, and the sense (high or low) is selected by software.  If this signal is incorrect, regardless of the technical reason, the Argus will revert to showing TRACK.  (If no TRACK information is available, the "NO HDG OR TRACK" message will be displayed.)

One simple way to determine if the heading is flagged is to go into the SETUP mode and change the sense of the signal.  If HDG is then displayed, this is most likely the problem.  NOTE:  This answer says nothing as to whether the heading information is correct or not.  That is a more complicated question and may be the subject of a future troubleshooting guide.

My map is being oriented to heading, but heading is reading incorrectly

If the Argus heading doesn't rotate with the mechanical heading indicator, but suddenly flips 180 degrees as the compass is rotated, it usually indicates that one synchro phase isn't connected.  If there is a constant offset between the compass heading and the Argus reading, it could mean that the bootstrap synchro is mechanically offset on its shaft.  An oscilloscope connected directly to the Argus pins is usually the best way to troubleshoot heading problems.

My map is being oriented to heading, but heading keeps jumping back and forth

If the excitation (reference) signal is not derived from the same source (frequency and phase) as that which drives the bootstrap, the needle can rotate slowly or appear to jump back and forth between 180 degree extremes.  Again, an oscilloscope is useful in troubleshooting this problem..

The Argus is showing a message beginning with "LRN" on the screen and no map.  I don't even have a Loran!

First, "LRN" stands for Long Range Navigation, not "Loran."  It can refer to any navigation receiver, including Loran, GPS, etc.  You are probably seeing one or more of these messages:

How do I adjust the vertical height/position of the display?

Unlike the horizontal position of the display, which is a pilot adjustment, the vertical height is an internal adjustment that must be performed by a shop.  Any shop with a maintenance manual is authorized to perform this adjustment.  Normally it will be done before the aircraft is delivered.  This is not normally an issue if our mounting location recommendations are followed, but sometimes it is impossible to do so due to panel layout. 

If I simply plug in a color Argus where my monochrome unit was installed, what features do I lose?

There is a second connector on the back of the CE units.  This connector has extra pins for the following features:

If you do not need any of these features, you can simply plug in the color Argus where the monochrome unit was installed, with appropriate paperwork.  The second connector and additional features can always be added later.

How do I remove the Argus from the panel?

The Argus is mounted in a "clamp tray:" and connects to the aircraft through one or two rear-panel connectors.  There are four mounting screws, one at each corner of the clamp tray.  The bottom two screws attach the tray to the panel and should remain tightened.  The top two screws, in addition to holding the tray in, tighten a clamp that holds the Argus in the tray.  To remove the Argus, loosen these screws by several turns, but do not remove them.  After they are loose, pull the Argus out by inserting two flat-blade screwdrivers in the machined slots on the left and right of the Argus panel and pull.

If your Argus is a very tight fit, a special removal tool is available from Eventide.  If your Argus is installed flush with the panel and you can't get at the machined slots, you will have to reach behind the panel and push it out.  If you can't reach behind the panel, you will have to speak with your installer.

I took the Argus out of the panel to change the database and now it has a problem.

The Argus can be a "tight fit" in some panels.  It can be reinserted in such panels without all the connector contacts mating, in which case any number of problems can occur, from total non-operation to intermittent operation, to perhaps one function being intermittent.  The Argus should go back in its socket with a satisfying "thunk."  If it's so difficult to reinsert that it's hard to tell if a good connection has been made, first check to make sure the top two screws aren't too tight.  If the Argus is binding on the panel instead of the mounting tray, the opening should be enlarged.  Incidentally, a removal tool is available from Eventide.

What do I need to connect a Ryan TCAD and/or BFG WX-500 Stormscope to my Argus?

Argus CE models and the "Enhanced" monochrome units can accept data from these products and show traffic or weather on the Argus screen.  In fact, the Argus CE can do both!  In order to do so, the appropriate Argus software version must be installed.  This software is available from Eventide, and due to FAA requirements must be installed at the factory.*  Below are the software versions required.  Contact us for details and costs for obtaining your upgrade. 

External Unit  /  Argus Version Enhanced Monochrome  Argus CE
Ryan TCAD 9900B+ 5.20  -  5.2x 5.20  - 5.2x
Ryan TCAD 9900BX* 5.23  -  5.2x 5.23  - 5.2x
BFG WX 500 (or WX units w/adaptors) 5.20  -  5.2x 5.20  - 5.2x
TCAD AND WX 500 (or WX units w/adaptors) Not yet available 5.24

 * Upgrade from 5.20 to 5.2x (only) can be accomplished in the field.

The map is displaying correctly but numerical distances are off by a factor of ten.

In all likelihood you are using a navigation receiver manufactured by Arnav.  Arnav made many different models, and frequently had different software versions in the same model.  Some software versions transmitted a decimal point in the distance measurement and some did not.  It may require some experimentation in Arnav model selection in the Argus SETUP mode to get the correct reading.  If you can't resolve the problem yourself, email us with the details on your Arnav model, software version, and whether the distance is reading 10x high or 1/10x of what it should be reading.

My Argus CE is showing a "THE CLOCK IS NOT RUNNING" message on power up.

The Argus CE units use a special battery/memory device with a specified minimum life of ten years.  When this device is not functioning, a page will pop up during power-up that says: 


The Argus will operate after that.  Stored flightplans will still be available to the pilot.  The SETUP values will also be preserved. The AMEND settings are not preserved.  Any flightplan or SETUP changes made while the device is non-functional will be preserved.  After the dead battery/memory is replaced, the flightplans and SETUP are still preserved, but the time and AMEND settings must be re-entered.

I cannot set the Argus date beyond 31 December 2009.

Argus units with software earlier than 5.x cannot be set to a time/date beyond the end of 2009.  This is a known issue with these units. The time/date is not used in the Argus beyond the limited purpose of flagging database expiration dates.  Since no new databases for these older Argus units are available, and all existing databases are long expired, this date setting is irrelevant to proper operation and no update for these software versions is planned.  Updates are available to software version 5.x, which can be set through year 2020.  While there are many benefits to an Argus upgrade, the year setting issue is of no consequence and no upgrade is recommended for this reason alone.

Do you have a question that you feel would be appropriate for this FAQ?  Please email us!
This page created 03 November 1997
Updated 02 Feb 2010
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