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More information about the WDA Option.

Stormscope and Moving Map...with Argus you can have both

With an Eventide Avionics Weather Display Adapter, your Argus Moving Map can display weather information from BF Goodrich FlightSystems' Stormscopes®. A single, high resolution display gives you the benefits of Stormscope plus all the advantages of the Argus Moving Map: The Eventide WDA 5005 and 7005 are compatible with WX-10, WX-10A and WX-11 Series Stormscopes. By replacing the Stormscope display with an Argus and interfacing the WDA to the Stormscope processor, the Argus screen can now display information from these units in the Argus' own separate "WD Mode."  The Stormscope display is not superimposed on the moving map screen, but the top and bottom navigation fields are present in both modes. (ADF and/or RMI pointers are only shown in the map modes.)  All Stormscope functions are executed through the Argus function keys, essentially allowing for two instruments in one panel space - great news for pilots with little room to spare.
Eventide's WDA 5007-05 and 7007-05 adapters interface with the WX-1000E Weather Mapping System Stormscope (with 429 EFIS option) and emulate Stormscope functions on the Argus display. Weather mapping information can be shown either on both the Argus and the Stormscope displays (for viewing by both the pilot and co-pilot) or solely on the Argus screen, if panel space is a problem.

WX500 Stormscope Compatibility

If your Argus has version 5.x software, an upgrade (to version 5.1x) is available optionally to use it as a display for the WX500.  Since the WX500 was originally designed for remote displays, no adapter is necessary, reducing the cost of the installation.  Note that due to FAA regulations and TSO approval, the Argus software update must be performed at the factory.

WX500 Stormscope "screen dumps" on the Argus CE models

360 degree view 25 mile range
120 degree view 25 mile range
Storms on Argus map, ENRoute 30 mile range, CELL mode display Storms on Argus map, ENRoute 30 mile range, STRIKE mode display


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