Argus 5000/7000 Software Version Information

The software version in your Argus can be determined by turning on power and looking at the screen after selftest completes.  Any monochrome Argus 5000/7000 can be upgraded to the latest monochrome version, although costs will vary.  Likewise, any color Argus can be upgraded to the latest version.  Units with software version 5.x or greater can be upgraded electronically via data upload.  Previous versions will require a trip to your shop or to the factory.   Argus 3000 units can only be upgraded to version 4.x.

Color Argus

18 December 1996-16 April 1997: Current software version is 5.00
17 April 1997-15 October 1997:  Current software version is 5.02
16 October 1997-18 January 1997:  Current software version is 5.03
19 January 1998:  Current software version is 5.04
20 April 1998:  Current software version is 5.05.
29 July 1998: Current software version is 5.06. (Note: versions 5.07 and 5.08 were for a specific application and not released for general use.)

Color and Monochrome Enhanced Argus

28 Jul 2001:  Current software version is 5.0A

Major software differences between 5.00 and 5.01:

Problems operating with Eventide ARINC 429 adapter and certain nav receivers were resolved
Problem downloading flightplans with four-character identifiers were resolved.
Made pressing PPTO unnecessary when changing flightplan to Direct TO waypoint
Corrected cosmetic problem on Simulated Flight AMEND page that caused overwriting of FLY/STOP

Major software differences between 5.01 and 5.02:

Corrected a "lock-up" condition which would prevent operation when used with the Eventide RMI adapter when pointer two is solid.
Cosmetic change in ADF/RMI display.

Major software differences between 5.02 and 5.03:

Corrected condition where remote switches connected to P2 were not recognized when RMI adapter is in use.
Added additional parsing routine for NMEA 0183 "GGA" sentence.

Major software differences between 5.03 and 5.04:

Eliminated excessive packet retransmissions during update when external GPS was left ON during update.
Improved operation of ARINC in presence of GMT and Heading info labels.

Major software differences between 5.04 and 5.05:

MONOCHROME ONLY:  If your remote switches are not working correctly, upgrade to 5.05.
COLOR ONLY:  Added Altitude Source selection to SETUP for use with external encoder, when available.

Major software differences between 5.05 and 5.06

New GPS models added to selection list.  (Most are identical to old units and listing is for convenience only.)
Corrected parsing routine for NMEA 0183 "GGA" sentence.
Problem with RMI adapter found in 5.05 (only) resolved.

Major software differences between 5.06 and 5.09

MONOCHROME ONLY: A Y2K bug that caused misreporting the date on the disclaimer page was resolved. This bug does not affect Argus operation or function.
Under certain conditions it was not possible to add the 20th WPT to a flightplan.

Major software differences between 5.09 and 5.0A

MONOCHROME ONLY:  When intersections are not selected in AMEND, intersections on selected airways were not shown.  With 5.0A intersections on selected airways are shown regardless.


With one exception, all the above changes are of minor import and we do not necessarily recommend loading new software. However, IF YOU ARE USING THE RMI ADAPTOR WITH THE COLOR ARGUS AND DON'T HAVE AT LEAST VERSION 5.02, WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND UPDATING YOUR SOFTWARE TO THE LATEST VERSION IMMEDIATELY.

There is no charge for obtaining the 5.0A operating system software upgrade. However, an authorization code is required to download the software and install it in your Argus.

Monochrome Argus

Each version is identified by a major number before the decimal point and minor numbers after the decimal point.  Generally, minor number increments represent insignificant or unnoticeable changes in operation, and/or the addition of "parsing" routines for newly-introduced GPS and Loran navigation receivers.  Below are differences in the major revision numbers:

1.x:   Original release.  Any upgrades must be performed at factory.

2.x    Upgrade to version 3 may be accomplished in the field, upgrade to version 5 must be performed at the factory.
Auto-ARRival feature.  Range changes as you get closer to destination.
PLAN VIEW of airport runway layout in INFO mode.
Supports Canada, Bahamas, and Caribbean airports.
Supports airspace fixes (intersections).
3.x    Upgrade to version 5 must be performed at factory.
Auto-ENRoute feature.  Range changes as you get closer to waypoint.
Adds RMI capability with optional RMI adapter.
4.0x    Flight Planning option.  Upgrade to version 5 must be performed at factory.
User waypoints can be added to Argus and displayed on Argus screen
Flightplanning capability
Simulated flight feature.  (Take home demo mode.)
Setup data stored in NV RAM, battery discharge not critical.
4.1x    Flight PlanPlus option.  Upgrade to version 5 must be performed at factory.
Additional ground navigation ranges of .1, .2, .5 miles while taxiing.
90nm and 180nm mile ranges added to ENRoute.
5.x    Addition of many features of the color Argus (except color, of course.)
Electronic update over internet or from disk.
Flight Recorder shows where you've been.
Greatly increased database capacity.

Monochrome Upgrade Information

If you wish to upgrade your Argus operating system, you can upgrade only to either the latest version 3 or the latest version 5 software.  (Argus 3000 units can be upgraded to version 4.x only.)  Upgrading from version 1 software requires some hardware modifications.  Upgrading to version 5 from any previous version requires a different database board and may require a new CPU board and other hardware modifications.  Call or email Eventide with your unit serial number and software version for more information. If you have version 5.x, upgrading to a later 5.x version is accomplished in the same manner as upgrading the Color Argus.

Software Version 5.2x

Software version 5.2x allows the Argus (monochrome and color) to communicate with and display data from the Ryan TCADTM and the BFGoodrich StormscopeTM.  This is optional software available from Eventide only by factory installation.  We cannot provide 5.2x software as a field upgrade to 5.x, although upgrades from earlier to later versions of 5.2x is permitted by special arrangement and software download.  If you already have 5.2x software below 5.24, there is an extra charge for version 5.24 and it is available only for the color (CE) Argus units.  This is the "Dual Adapter software."

5.21 Fixed the following problems in 5.20

The handling of serial data from the LORAN/GPS and from the adapters or other data sources was re-worked to eliminate data errors. These errors could cause the map display or secondary display of data from an adapter or other device (such as a Ryan TCAD(tm) or BFGoodrich Stormscope(tm)) to blank out momentarily.

Under certain conditions, it would not be possible to add a twentieth waypoint to a flightplan.  The existing flightplans would not be disturbed.
On the Monochrome Enhanced Argus in INFO mode, the radial and distance from that selected airport to the nearest VOR was being displayed incorrectly.
The year was not preserved when power was shut down.  (Year information is not used in the Argus.  Date and time information was not affected.)

5.22 Fixed the following problem 

MONOCHROME ONLY:  When intersections are not selected in AMEND, intersections on selected airways were not shown.  With 5.22 intersections on selected airways are shown regardless.

5.23 Enhanced operation with the Ryan TCAD as follows

This Version of software will allow the Argus 5000/CE, 7000/CE, 5000 Enhanced and 7000 Enhanced to implement the latest version of the Ryan TCAD interface protocol. This will allow the use of TCAD shield sizes greater than 9.9 nautical miles without the Argus showing an error. It will also use the TCAD's "Advisory" field (if it exists) to determine if the threat should be shown as a "Traffic Advisory" instead of using only altitude separation.

5.24 Dual Adapter software

This Version of software will allow the Argus 5000/CE and 7000/CE to be connected to more than one ancillary data source by way of a transfer switch.

This page updated 28 July 2005

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