Argus FlightPlanPLUS Software Puts Flight Planning In Its Proper Place...

Right in front of you, on the sharp, bright Argus Moving Map Display.

More information regarding the flight plan option (note: contains 6 graphics)

Now you can order your Argus 3000, 5000 or 7000 with integrated flight planning capabilities. And when you do, you also get a package of terrific PLUS features that make flying with Argus even more versatile and convenient. Read more about these PLUS features below. But first, consider the advantages of flight planning with Argus over flight planning on a GPS or LORAN:

  • The Logical Place. The Argus Moving Map is the "information center" for flight navigation. You won't have to look down or stretch across the cockpit to the nav receiver to set waypoints and use flightplans when you do flight planning directly on the Argus. In fact, you can locate the GPS or LORAN anywhere there's room, since you may not have to refer to it at all during the flight. Everything you need to know is right in front of you on the sharp, clear Argus display.

  • See The Whole Plan, Not Just A Slice. GPS and LORAN units can show you only a few waypoints at a time on their small displays. But Argus can list an entire flightplan of up to twenty waypoints at one time, on one screen. The Argus is more convenient to use, especially when you want to modify a flightplan while you're underway. On a single screen, and at the touch of a button, Argus's exclusive SHOW DIST mode displays total and remaining flight distance via either the flightplan or direct.

  • Why Pay Twice For The Same Data? When you do flight planning on an Argus Moving Map, all the data you need is in Argus's own database. It's more comprehensive than those of most LORAN or GPS receivers, so there's no need to spend money to keep the receiver's database up to date. In fact, if you're going to be upgrading to a new GPS to "drive" your Argus, consider purchasing a low-end model with minimal or no database capabilities. All Argus needs from the GPS is position and course information.

  • Argus User Waypoints Take You All The Way. Argus's exclusive user waypoint feature lets you set and display user waypoints on the map even if they are not part of a flightplan. You'll find this a great convenience. Want to fly by a favorite landmark? Just set a user waypoint to its location. Or, set a user waypoint to the location of the FBO or restaurant at a large airport. Your Argus will depict the actual airport layout and that FBO or restaurant will appear at its proper location, so you can taxi right to it. Over 600 user waypoints can be defined and stored in non-volatile memory.

  • FlightPlanPLUS adds more than flight planning to Argus.Adding FlightPlanPLUS software to your Argus also gives it a terrific new package of "most requested" features unrelated to flight planning. Victor and Jet Airways are now shown on the map of Argus 5000 and 7000 units (with optional intersection database.) With all models, the FlightPlanPLUS software option adds new ground navigation ranges of .1, .2 and .5 miles when speed is below 25kts, adds 90 and 180 mile map ranges in ENRoute mode, identifies airports with Airport Traffic Areas on the map display, and much more. It even adds an internal DEMO mode for "take-home" training out of the aircraft. All these features are obtainable only as part of the FlightPlanPLUS package; they are not available separately.

    With the FlightPlanPLUS option, Argus is now more valuable than ever. Order it factory-installed in your new Argus 3000, 5000 or 7000 Moving Map Display. If you already own an Argus, it can be upgraded with FlightPlanPLUS software. Argus 5000 and 7000 units manufactured before June 30, 1993 will require a hardware upgrade to run FlightPlanPLUS. Most Argus 3000 units manufactured before 1994 are limited to150 waypoint storage; an optional hardware upgrade is available for full 600 waypoint storage. Contact your avionics dealer or Eventide for details.

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