Each version of the H3000 had a "native" set of algorithms and presets. These are listed here to help you determine whether your unit is original or upgraded (or, perhaps, eviscerated). Virtually all H3000 models can be upgraded, the lone exception being the H3500B-DFX/E which contains every available algorithm and preset.
Our current model, the Eventide Eclipse Harmonizer brand effects processor, has replicated many H3000 presets, listed here.
Model |
Algorithms |
Presets |
Comments |
H3000 | 100-110 | 200-257 | Original "black face" unit |
H3000S | 100-110 | 200-257, 700-747 | |
H3000SE | 100-112 | 500-699 | |
H3000B | 100-113 | 300-363, 400-415 | |
H3000KS | 100-121 | 200-257,300-363, 400-415, 500-699, 700-747 | "Kitchen Sink" model |
H3000D/SX | 100-111,116 122-123 | 150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286, 370, 373, 380, 384-385, 397, 399, 418, 486-487, 496, 499, 700-747, 800-899, 987-988 | |
H3000D/SE | 100-112, 114-119, 122-123 |
150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 366-399, 416-423, 486-487, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 793-797, 799, 800-899, 975-999 |
H3000B+ | 100-113,116, 122-123 |
300-363, 400-415, 800-899 | |
H3000B/LT | 100-112, 116, 122-123 | 300-330, 332-363, 400-415, 800-899 | |
H3500DFX | 100-112, 114-123 |
150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 366-399, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999 |
HS322 (short) sampler |
H3500DFX/E | 100-112, 114-123 |
150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 366-399, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999 |
HS395 (long) sampler |
H3500B-DFX | 100-123 |
150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 300-363, 366-399, 400-415, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999 |
HS322 (short) sampler |
H3500B- DFX/E |
100-123 |
150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 300-363, 366-399, 400-415, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999 |
HS395 (long) sampler |
Vai Presets | The "Steve Vai" presets are 700-747-any unit with these numbers has the Vai Presets |