H3000 Harmonizer® Preset History

Each version of the H3000 had a "native" set of algorithms and presets.  These are listed here to help you determine whether your unit is original or upgraded (or, perhaps, eviscerated).  Virtually all H3000 models can be upgraded, the lone exception being the H3500B-DFX/E which contains every available algorithm and preset. 

Our current model, the Eventide Eclipse Harmonizer brand effects processor, has replicated many H3000 presets, listed here.





H3000 100-110 200-257 Original "black face" unit
H3000S 100-110 200-257, 700-747  
H3000SE 100-112 500-699  
H3000B 100-113 300-363, 400-415  
H3000KS 100-121 200-257,300-363, 400-415, 500-699, 700-747 "Kitchen Sink" model
H3000D/SX 100-111,116 122-123 150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286, 370, 373, 380, 384-385,  397, 399, 418, 486-487, 496, 499, 700-747, 800-899, 987-988  
H3000D/SE 100-112, 114-119, 122-123

150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 366-399, 416-423, 486-487, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 793-797, 799, 800-899, 975-999

H3000B+ 100-113,116,
300-363, 400-415, 800-899  
H3000B/LT 100-112, 116, 122-123 300-330, 332-363, 400-415, 800-899  
H3500DFX 100-112, 114-123

150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 366-399, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999

HS322 (short) sampler
H3500DFX/E 100-112, 114-123

150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 366-399, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999

HS395 (long) sampler
H3500B-DFX 100-123

150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 300-363, 366-399, 400-415, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999

HS322 (short) sampler

150-199, 200-257, 259-284, 286-298, 300-363, 366-399, 400-415, 416-423, 425-493, 496-499, 500-699, 700-747, 750-786, 793-799, 800-899, 975-999

HS395 (long) sampler
Vai Presets   The "Steve Vai" presets are 700-747-any unit with these numbers has the Vai Presets  

Harmonizer Technical Notes

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