This is the information we need before we can provide an authorization code to update your Argus database. You can print it from your web browser and mail or fax this form to us.
phone: 201-641-1200 ext 225, fax 201-641-1640, email
Argus model number__________________Six digit serial number ____________________
Four digit program version_____________Two-digit database configuration____________
Database effective date________________Database expiration date____________________
Your name_________________________________________________________________
Mailing address_____________________________________________________________
Mailing address_____________________________________________________________
Phone #__________________________________Fax #_____________________________
Email address_______________________________________________________________
Aircraft Manufacturer_____________________Type_______________________________
Aircraft Registration # ("N" number in USA)_______________________________________
Subscription Option | USA | North America | International Including North America |
One Time Update | Quantity____ | Quantity____ | Quantity____ |
2x Annual Subscription | Quantity____ | Quantity____ | Quantity____ |
6x Annual Subscription | Quantity____ | Quantity____ | Quantity____ |
6x Continuous Subscription | Quantity____ | Quantity____ | Quantity____ |
13x Annual Subscription | (not available) | Quantity____ | Quantity____ |
13x Continuous Subscription | Quantity____(2 years+) | Quantity____ | Quantity____ |
I would like to receive my database update file(s) by:
Internet_______________CD______________PCMCIA_Card____________Board_Exchange(monochrome units)______
[_] I also need an Argus Data Transfer Cable - See pricing
I am enclosing $_________ check or money order.
Please charge $__________ to my credit card, Visa____ Mastercard_____ AMEX_______
Credit card # ________________________Expiration date_________3/4 Digit Security code _______
(For pricing of these services, refer to our current price list or call 201-641-1200.)
If you select "Internet," you MUST fill in your email address, above, and your authorization code will be emailed to you. If you choose to receive a physical medium, your authorization code will be sent with the medium shipment. It is your responsibility to make sure we have your current mail and/or email address!
Note: If you own multiple Argus units that use the same database and don't want to order the "Internet" delivery, you can order a physical medium shipment for the first Argus and "Internet" delivery for the remainder. In this case, we will provide multiple authorization codes with the physical medium shipment if you tell us that that is what you want.
The data we provide, regardless of method of transfer, is licensed for use on one Argus per authorization code purchased and for no other purpose. This protects our (and, in some cases, Jeppesen's) intellectual property and gives us an incentive to continue providing this service. You agree to use these updates in the spirit of the above statement.
Data is provided at your option by Internet transfer, CD, or PCMCIA data card. If you order the PCMCIA data card, you understand and agree that you will return it to Eventide, prepaid, within 10 days after the effective date of the data or within 10 days of receipt, whichever is later. It is your responsibility to make sure that we receive the card, and we strongly recommend shipping by some traceable method, such as certified mail or UPS. If we do not receive the card for any reason, you agree to pay $500. (It is not necessary to return databases shipped on CD.)
I have read and understood and agree to comply with the fine print, above.