Software Replacement and Upgrades

From time to time customers inquire about software upgrades, replacements for lost software products, etc.  In some cases, the latest version of the software is available for free download on our web site and an authorization code or other method is required to use the software.  (Argus databases, audio "plug-ins," etc.)

In other cases, the software is supplied on CD and sent either with the product purchased or shipped separately if it is purchased later.  This software, which isn't otherwise "locked," isn't available for download for obvious reasons. 

In either case, we often get requests for software CDs to be sent out, either because internet download my be inconvenient, or the software isn't available for download.  We have established the following price schedule for supplying software CDs:

$50.00:  Software that is available on our web site, but you would prefer for whatever reason to have a CD sent to you.  (Add $10 for non-USA/Canada addresses)
$50.00:  Software that you have purchased when an exact replacement disk (i.e., the same version of the software) is still available.  (Add $10 for non-USA/Canada addresses)
$100.00:  Software that has been upgraded or updated since you purchased it, providing there is no other, specific charge for the upgraded software.  E.g., you purchased version 3.4, and the latest version is 3.6.  However if there's a specific upgrade charge, we will charge that instead.  (Add $10 for non-USA/Canada addresses)

In the last two cases, we can only supply a replacement or upgrade disk if you provide a copy of your invoice for the original software so that we know you have already purchased a copy.

To order a CD, please fill out the form below and fax it to us (201-641-1640) along with, if appropriate, a copy of your original invoice.  (We recommend against emailing your credit card details!)

Ship to Name  
Ship to Company  
Ship to Address (1)  
Ship to Address (2)  
Zip or Other Postal Code  
Your email (please print legibly!)  
Software you are requesting  
I authorize you to charge my credit card as follows: ____$50         ____$100    ____$10 extra shipping     ______Other amount  $__________
Credit card info: TYPE_____________  NUMBER________________________EXPIRATION______

Please be sure you include your email address and that we can read it or we won't be able to correspond with you about your order in case there are questions.  If you have authorized the incorrect amount based on the software available or requested, we will email you to correct it and get your approval before charging your card.